Translated from Greek. lang. the word "chalazion" means "hardening" or "knot". This solid pathological neoplasm at the edge of the eyelid is a common consequence of barley. Unlike the latter, it acquires a chronoform. Signs: a well-felt seal in the cartilage area. Redness is observed around, in the center - an area of grayish color. It is treated with local agents (ointments, creams) or injections. Recurrent types often require surgery.
Therapy of the disease involves the complex use of the following Todiсamp® products:
Todiсamp® Extract application:
Todicamp® Extract is taken orally in a dosage of 1 drop per 2 kg of body weight 3 times a day no later than 30 minutes before meals or no earlier than an hour after meals. It is recommended to start taking the extract in a dosage of 9 drops, gradually increasing it to the Calculated Dose (1 drop per 2 kg of body weight).
The course of use is 2 months (for a child - 1 month), then take a break for 5 - 7 days before starting the next course. The next course can be started with 20 drops. - EXTERNAL APPLICATION:
Lightly moisten a cotton swab for ears in TODICAMP® extract and lubricate the skin of the affected area of the eyelid. Be careful not to get the extract in the eyes. The procedure is carried out two to three times a day.
The use of TODICAMP® extract is not recommended during the period of application of the antibiotics.
Store in a cool, dark place (at room temperature).
The course of external use depends on the severity of the disease. Apply until the active symptoms of the disease disappear. It is recommended to rub the TODICAMP® extract into the back area on both sides of the spine 1 - 2 times a day, as well as rub the feet with it, which greatly activates the functions of all internal organs. -
This recomedation is not an instruction for self-medication and should be used as additional tratment for a faster and full recovery. For formal medical advice, see your healthcare professional.
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